EQ Media Accreditation

Media Accreditation Guidelines and Applications

Equestrian Queensland (EQ) has an accreditation process for media photographers and commercial photographers who attend activities conducted by EQ and its affiliates.

This process does not restrict the activities of EQ members and their friends taking photographs for their private and domestic use and enjoyment. 

The accreditation process aims to uphold EQ’s commitment to participant safety while facilitating access to optimal vantage points for accredited media and commercial photographers at event venues, where possible.

As part of this process, media and commercial photographers are required to obtain accreditation from EQ. They also need to secure direct approval from the event organizer before attending an event.

Equestrian Queensland Media Accreditation Guidelines


EQ Media/Photographer Accreditation Application

2025 Media/Photographer Accreditation Application

Must be submitted at least two weeks before the event starts.

EQ Media Accreditation Holders

Name Company Website
Katie Mendl Calico Pony www.calicopony.bigcartel.com
Earle Teirney Oz Shotz www.ozshotz.com.au
Michael Smith Braid Up Photography www.braidupphotography.com.au
Brittney Streat Blue Ribbon Photography www.blueribbonphotography.shootproof.com
Michelle Terlato Michelle Terlato Photography www.michelleterlatophotography.com
Deion Menzies HighFlyer Images www.facebook.com/highflyerimages
Jessie Smith JRS Photography www.jrsphotography.com.au
Danni Milligan Danni Milligan Photography www.dannimilliganphotography.com.au  
Fiona Loggie Fiona Loggie Photography www.fionaloggiephotography.mypixieset.com
Katherine O'Brien Equinox Images www. equinoximages.mypixieset.com
Abbey Conlan The Fika Effect www.thefikaeffect.shootproof.com 
Annabelle Rogan Le Bel Âne Photography www.lebelane.pixieset.com
Lisa Carter Lisa Maree Carter Photography www.lisamareecarterphotography.mypixieset.com/about
Craig Render RCPix Photography www.rcpix.com.au
Danielle Borody No Reins Photography www.noreinsphotography.mypixieset.com
Jacobie Titman Equinox Studio www.equinoxstudio.mypixieset.com/
Averil Crebbin Picture the Moment Photography www.picturethemomentphotography.com
Aidan Jaros-Grilli Elegant Exposures  www.elegantexposures.com.au
Brianna Mackenzie Bronte Royal Photography @bronteroyalphotography
Julie Legg Hoofprintz Photography www.hoofprintz.com.au
Brittney Streat Blue Ribbon Photography www.blueribbonphotography.shootproof.com
Darren Andrews DKA Photography www.dka-photography.redframe.com
Lorraine Moreland Lo Captures www.locaptures.com
Jasmine Dunmore Jasmine Dunmore Photography www.jasminedunmorephotography.com
Samantha Dawson (Cavallo) Flash Pony www.facebook.com/flashponyphoto
Lily Mee MEEDIA. www.meedia.com
Lisa Gordon Equine Network Media Company www.equinetmedia.com.au