Dressage Queensland Amateur Owner Rider Star Leader Board
** This leader board does not replace the AOR 'Level' Rider of the Year Awards, and is an additional incentive for our AOR riders to acknowledge their achievements and encourage support and participation of Star Championship Events **
1. Leader Board for each level (Preliminary to Big Tour)
2. Eligibility criteria are as per National AOR Guidelines for who is eligible to participate in AOR (rule 4.6.1)
3. Riders must notify DQ via this link they are eligible for AOR and would like to be included in the Leader Board (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DQAOR-YR)
4. Only results from Dressage Queensland Star events, PRARG AOR Championships (June 2025) & Queensland Dressage Championships will be included (Refer to DQ Calendar for listed events).
5. Star Events are not required to run AOR divisions for results to count towards the Leader Board, and the decision for clubs on whether and how the run AOR classes at their events remains, as always, at their own discretion.
6. Riders do not need to participate in every event to be eligible
7. All participants at a nominated Leader Board event will get Leader Board points
8. 1st place each level will gain 10 points, 2nd place each level 9 points and so on. From 10th and below every eligible participant will receive 1 point.
9. Where there are separate divisions within the same class (eg riders participating in open, pony or AOR divisions in a Prix St Georges) the percentages from each division within that class will be ranked, regardless of whether the same judges are used, and points allocated from highest percentage to lowest percentage as dot point 8.
10. Each level’s overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Leader Board winners at to be awarded a prize at the end of the competition season
11. DQ to collate results and publish on the DQ Website throughout the year
AOR Star Leader Board Current Standings - Updated 28 October