Resources For Clubs
        Event Manual         
What DQ does for Clubs
List of Dressage Judges
as of 25 July 2024
Dressage Scoring System
       List of Para Judges         Guidelines for PE Events   
       Stallion Guidelines                List of Stewards       
as of 25 July 2024
Young Horse 'How to for event organisers Educators & Mentors List
as of 25 July 2024
Nominate - Live Scoring For Equestrian Events    
Nominate - LiveScore Dressage System Guide Booklet    
LiveScore Penciller's Tablet User Guidelines by PRARG    
LiveScore Penciller's Instructions    
           EQ Club Links             


Dressage scoring system

Please be advised that the scoring program that has been kindly provided and maintained by Keith Smith (QLD member) via the EA website, will not be updated in line with the 2023 EA Dressage Tests.  A note has been placed on the EA website, that it is no longer available.

Keith has volunteered much time to providing the service and updating as required on a volunteer basis. 

We extend our thanks to Keith for the invaluable resource that has been made available for clubs and OC’s to this point. Clubs previously using the program, will now need to source an alternative arrangement for their scoring needs.