
 Guidelines to Classification


National Para-Equestrian Classification Calendar


Request for Classification

Needs to be complete and forward to us prior to Classification

   Classification Consent    

To be completed on the day prior to calssification

Current Queensland Classified rider and their stories

Chelsea Gatti (Grade IV) Chelsea Higgins (Grade III)
Drew Hay (Grade 1b)
Eliza Ahnon (Grade III) Georgia Bruce (Grade IV) Ingrid Bayley (Grade II)
Kate Marsh (Grade III) Nathan Harvey (Grade IV) Nikki Doogue (Grade IV)
Phoebe Roche (Grade III) Rachael Baker (Grade II) Sandi-Leigh Norris (Grade IV)
Sarah Sherwood (Grade IV) Shannon Owens (Grade II) Tarsha Tupper (Grade 1a)