Expressions of Interest sought for EQ Coaching Advisory Group and Next Gen Advisory Group
Equestrian Queensland (EQ) is calling for expressions of interest from eligible members for the EQ Coaching Advisory Group and the EQ Next Gen Advisory Group.
EOI's for both Advisory Groups close COB Wednesday 6 March 2024.
Equestrian Queensland Coaching Advisory Group
The primary function of the CAG is to act as a source of expert advice to the EQ Board about matters relating to coach education, improvement and safety. This includes:
- Development - Identifying relevant development needs for both State and Nationally run courses
- Quality Assurance - Providing suggested improvements for the National coaching accreditation framework
- Innovation - Providing advice about topics or new initiatives that will improve safety and standards and enhance the brand
Any other coaching related matters as requested by the EQ Board.
Equestrian Queensland Next Gen Advisory Group
The primary function of the Equestrian Queensland Next Generation Advisory Group (EQ Next Gen) is to act as a source of advice to the Equestrian Queensland (EQ) Board about opportunities to engage, connect and support young people in equestrian sport.
The objectives of the EQ Next Gen are to:
- Support EQ Sport Committees to engage with youth members and deliver initiatives that encourage continued participation across all areas of the sport.
- Improve and develop communication with youth members and sport committees at all levels.
- Identify mentoring opportunities for youth members across all competition and discipline levels.
- Develop networks and resources for youth members to support multiple pathways across the sport.
Further information can be emailed to enquiries@equestrianqld.com.au or call the EQ Team on (07) 3891 6611.