During National Volunteer Week, Equestrian Queensland (EQ) hosted a Volunteer Induction / Education Day on Saturday 20 May 2023 at QSEC (Queensland State Equestrian Centre) with two programs that provided volunteers with an 'Entry Level Pathway' and 'Next Level Development' in equestrian sport.
Thank you to all volunteers that joined us for a wonderful day!
If you would like more information on any of the delivered topics or others, we would like to invite you to provide feedback via the online form below.
A special thank you again to all the brilliant presenters and we have included their presentations and other resources below.
Dressage Marshalling / Gear Check with Sara-Jane Seery
Dressage Pencilling with Kay Paulsen & Fiona Strachan from PRARG
Pencillers Tablet User Guidelines by PRARG
Nominate - Scoreboard / LiveScore Tablet Practice (Dressage & Jumping) with Ash-Lee Thallon from Nominate
Nominate - Live Scoring For Equestrian Events
Nominate - LiveScore Dressage System Guide Booklet
LiveScore Penciller's Instructions
Jumping App Penciller Instructions
Cross Country Jumping App Instructions
Cross Country Jump Judging with Lyndal Roos
Concussion in Sport Australia Video
Cross Country Critical Incident Training Video
Cross Country Jump Judges Info Sheet
Download Cross Country Jump Judge Training Program (ETAS)
Jumping Volunteer Roles with Bronwyn Hew
Event Organising with Leesa Murray from Equinesque
Biosecurity with Janet Vallier from Biosecurity Queensland
Grants with Steve Connelly from CPR Group
Scoreboard / Event Setup & Scoring with Ash-Lee Thallon from Nominate
Nominate - Event Organiser User Login
Scoreboard - Event Organiser User Login
Nominate - Live Scoring For Equestrian Events
Volunteer Organising / Sign Up with Emily Ballard
Queensland Off-The-Track (QOTT) Sponsorship & Initiatives with Emma Morel from Queensland Off The Track
Risk Management & Serious Incident Management (SIM) Planning with Briston Toft Equestrian Queensland CEO