EVENTS > General
Posted by Equestrian Australia on 04/07/2016.
Add to your Calendar 30-07-2016 13:00:00 30-07-2016 13:00:00 Australia/Sydney MPIO Training - Cairns MPIO Training - Cairns Location not provided
30th July 2016

MPIO Training - Cairns

When: 1-4pm, Saturday 30 July 2016 Where: Cairns Sheridan Hotel, 295 Sheridan Street, Cairns 4870

Contact: Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing
Far North Regional Office 07 4222 5236

Registrations Close 28 July

Start your MPIO training at Play by the Rules - HERE

More Information

This FREE course consists of seven online modules and one face-to-face workshop. It outlines the important role of Member Protection Information Officer as the ‘go to’ person in your club for players and members to discuss problems and formal complaints. 

  • Better understand the role of MPIO.
  • Provide expert advice and guidance.

Member Protection Information Officers (MPIOs) play an important role in sport.  They provide information and guidance on complaints procedures. They are also the ‘go to’ person if you want to discuss problems at your club or association, particularly if you are considering making a formal complaint.  MPIOs can also provide impartial advice and information to sports administrators and complaint handlers with regard to the Member Protection Policy of their sport.

The MPIO course comprises of seven on-line modules which take approximately three to four hours in total to complete. This is followed by a three hour face-to-face workshop.  Completion of the on-line component of the MPIO course is required before attending the face-to-face workshop.  At the completion of the on-line modules and workshop, participants receive an individual certification number and are eligible to register as a nationally recognised MPIO.