Sport Development Funding

Equestrian Queensland has many grants and subsidies available to affiliated clubs, sporting committees and individual members. 

These programs assist us in our acquittal of funds to the Department of Sport and Recreation. 

Should you have any queries in relation to which program best fits your project, please do not hesitate to contact one of our team members in the EQ Office. 

EQ Affiliated Clubs and Sport Committees     

The Equestrian Queensland Sport Development Fund is open to EQ Affiliated Clubs and Sport Committees which offers $40,000 aimed at supporting the development, growth and participation across the sport including capability building within clubs and volunteer training within the sport to improve governance and club success.

Round 1 Applications:  
Now Closed

Round 2 Applications:
Open Saturday 7 June 2025















EQ Officials Development

The Equestrian Queensland Sport Development Fund offers funding in supporting the development and increased standard of excellence within the sport to Sport Committees and Affiliate Clubs, through

  1. educational opportunities through the delivery of FEI/EA recognised workshops/courses;
  2. individual officials who are required to maintain their accreditation at FEI recognised workshops/courses by travelling overseas;
  3. individual officials who live regionally to develop and increase the standard of excellence by providing funds directly to the individual to assist with travel expenses associated with attending EA/FEI recognised workshops/courses. The individual must be located more than 400km from Brisbane CBD.

Open all year, with acquittals to be received no later than 1 December 2025 unless fully subscribed. 

Applications will close one 1 December or when fully subscribed




EQ Event Funding Program    

Through the Equestrian Queensland (EQ) Event Funding Program, funding is provided towards the cost of travel and/or accommodation for foreign and Australian based technical officials (such as judges, technical delegates, course designers and stewards) that are required under the rules to officiate at Queensland major events. The event will be highly considered if the event organiser provides educational and/or mentoring opportunities to current or new EQ officials.

If you are applying for regional assistance to support the cost of officials to meet the National rule requirements, the affiliated club must be located more than 400km from Brisbane CBD. The regional event being conducted must include the following:

  • Dressage – Competitive level event including classes Advanced and above
  • Jumping – Classes of 1.05m and above to be offered in the schedule
  • Eventing – 1* or above classes to be offered in the schedule

There is also funding available through this program for new national events or showcase events. 

Closed 10 March 2025

This funding program has replaced the Equestrian Queensland ICDF (International Competition Development Fund)






  • EQ Affiliates

We have included below links to information about community grants that are currently open, this list is not exhaustive and we encourage clubs to make their own enquiries as well:

  •  EQ members
EQ Affilated Clubs (North & Far North QLD affected by floods)
Other recommended grant websites




2023 EQ Funding

 2023 EQ Funding Distribution

2022 EQ Funding 

 2022 EQ Funding Distribution

2021 EQ Funding

 2021 EQ Funding Distribution
2021 EQ Sport Development Funding - Round 1 Successful Applicants
2021 EQ SDF - Round 2 Successful Applicants Coming Soon

2020 EQ Funding 

2020 EQ Sport Development Funding Distribution
2020 EQ Funds Distribution

2019 EQ Funding 

2019 EQ Sport Development Funding

2019 EQ Funding Distribution