How do I join Interschool Queensland?
You will need to join Equestrian Queensland as a Junior Competitor (IQ riders north of Rockhampton only require Participant membership, however if competing in events south of Rockhampton Junior Competitor membership is required). You can join online or print off a membership form. After joining EQ you will also need to register your horse(s) with Equestrian Queensland (either EA Base or Life Registration) which will allow allocation of an Interschool Number. The IQ number is allocated to each horse/rider combination, and should be displayed on the horse at IQ competitions. See below for further information about EA horse registration.
Does my school need to do anything?
Your school must be registered with Equestrian Queensland as an IQ school. If your school is not already a member, they will need to complete an Interschool School Registration Form. This must be completed annually and there is a small fee attached to this. This form can be found here
What region is my school in?
The IQ school regions are the same as those used for Sporting Schools. We have compiled a list of schools and regions, but if your school is not on this list you can visit the Education Qld website. To view a list of the regions, click here. To view a list of schools in the different regions click here
What type of EA registration does my horse need to compete in IQ competitions?
All horses competing in interschool competitions must be EA Base Registered as a minimum requirement. Each year when you renew your membership you will need to contact the EQ office on 3891 6611 or [email protected] with the rider and horse names and your IQ number will be reactivated or a new IQ number will be issued for new combinations. EA Base registration is free of charge and can only be done online.
Your horse will need to be EA Life Registered if you are competing in above the line classes- Elementary Dressage and above, EvA95 Eventing and above, and 1.05m Showjumping and above. If you are competing in the Interschool State Championships or Australian Interschool Championships, your horse must be EA life registered regardless of what level you are competing at.
Once your horse has been EA Base or Life Registered and your membership is current, please contact the EQ office on 3891 6611 or [email protected] to reactivate your IQ number or to be issued an IQ number for a new horse and rider combination. Further information about horse registration can be found here
What are the benefits of joining IQ?
You and your school will become part of the Equestrian Queensland IQ Program. This allows your schools IQ events to be included on our website and social media, provides access to the EA rules and regulations, use of EA accredited judges, officials and coaches, regular IQ newsletters, risk management guidance, and of course assistance and advice from our friendly office staff! Riders have access to our education programs including Interschool Showcases, the Equestrian Skills Course and Equestrian Skills Assessment Days. As a member of Equestrian Queensland you will also receive benefits including, but not limited to, the ability to participate in all levels of competition in the sport and 24/7 insurance.
How do I find out what IQ events are being run?
There is a calendar specifically for IQ which has the details of all IQ events that are being run in Queensland. Most IQ nominations are taken on however if you need further information regarding an event you can contact the event coordinator listed on the calendar. You can also keep up to date with all the latest information by signing up for the IQ newsletter (subscribe - Here) or by joining the Equestrian Queensland facebook page and Interschool Queensland facebook group.
What are the IQ Championships?
There are 3 different levels of IQ Championships. Each region (Darling Downs and South West Qld, South East Qld, Wide Bay and North Qld) has their own Regional Championships each year. These are usually held around May. You do not need to attend any qualifiers to compete in the Regional Championships. The IQ State Championships are usually held mid-year. You will need to qualify to compete at the State Championships. Qualifying criteria vary for each sport and can be found in the IQ Handbook. The Australian Interschool Championships are usually held around October. To gain a position on the Qld State Team to attend the Australian Interschool Championships you must gain a top 4 position at the State Championships.