2018 Memberships now available
Membership renewals for 2018 have now been released and you should have received an email earlier this week.
Before completing your 2018 membership renewal, please take the time to ensure you have selected the correct membership category. The following table should assist you with this, or should you have any queries in relation to the membership categories please do not hesitate to contact us on [email protected] or (07) 3891 6611. Any of our team will be able to assist you in ensuring that you have selected the correct category.
Equestrian Queensland are excited to announce that we have introduced a new Recreational category.
Recreational members are those who enjoy riding a horse in equestrian activities for pleasure, riding out or may be a member of an equestrian club. A Recreational member may have had limited association with EQLD in the past and could be a member of an equestrian club that is outside of the seven EA sports and could participate at events within the closed club environment. The Equestrian Queensland Recreational member will now be able to ride with the safety of 24/7 Insurance.
Benefits for a Recreational member
- 24/7 Insurance
- Access to EA and State communications
- Members SportPass rewards card
- A EQLD Recreational Member does not receive voting rights and cannot register a horse
In addition to the above, we have recently combined with SportsPass to bring our members extra benefits that you get for free! When you renew your Equestrian Queensland and you elect to participate, you will receive an email from SportsPass with some simple steps of how to sign up with them to receive your membership card which you can then use to commence receiving the SportsPass benefits. You will receive this email in the early 2018 so in the meantime keep your email Equestrian Queensland membership letter, which you receive at the time of renewal.
Membership renewals are due by 31 December 2017. Should payment not be received by 31 January, 2018 a re-joining fee will be applied
Some reminders of what benefits Equestrian Queensland membership provides:-
Your membership provides you with 24/7 personal accident and public liability insurance. Your EQ insurance covers you for any activity when you are handling your horse, whether in the paddock, on a trail ride, at a clinic or competitor and when you are travelling to and from an event. The insurance will assist while you are off work with a loss of income protection component.
Competition Pathways
Being a member of EQ means you can compete at a participant level in all our administered disciplines, or at a competitive level where you have the opportunity to be selected and supported in our high performance programs. Achievement at all levels are recognised through prizes at events, leader-boards and annual awards for each discipline.
Join EQ Here - (for brand new members)