NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Queensland on 22/07/2022.

ActiveKIT (Knowledge | Innovation | Technology) Round 2 is now OPEN for applications!

The Program responds to the trends in society, Queenslanders’ needs, and ensures the Active Industry is leading the development of innovative solutions that get Queenslanders moving.

Round 2 is focused on addressing a single challenge, however there are two categories applicants can choose to respond to. This is a slightly different approach to Round 1, where there were two challenges.

The Challenge

ActiveKIT supports the sport, recreation and active industry, startups or small to medium businesses to trial and implement new and innovative products or services that respond to the challenge; to increase physical activity participation of Queenslanders who are insufficiently active, by:

  1. enabling opportunities for inclusive physical activity, or
  2. enabling opportunities for flexible and social physical activity

Projects could be specifically related to physical activity delivery, or seek to improve capability, systems and processes that enable physical activity opportunities.

Key Dates

Applications Open                                                       21 July 2022

Applications Close                                                      18 August 2022 5pm (AEST)

Successful projects announced                                   October 2022

Funding Available

The Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport is delivering this initiative in collaboration with Health and Wellbeing Queensland.

Through co-investment with Health and Wellbeing Queensland, total funding of $4 million (GST exclusive) is available in Round 2.

Tier 1

Up to $100,000 with a 20% cash co-contribution

Tier 2

$100,001 - $200,000 with a 50% cash co-contribution


Refer to the ActiveKIT Guidelines for more information on the challenges and eligibility or the website:
ActiveKIT | Recreation, sport and arts | Queensland Government (

If you want more info please chat to your ActiveKIT champ or email [email protected]


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