NEWS > General
Posted by Samantha Duffy on 15/02/2017.

Agenda for EQ 2016 AGM


Agenda for the EQ 2016 Annual General Meeting

Date:                   Wednesday 15 March, 2017

Time:                   6.00pm

Venue:                 Sports House South, 866 Main Street,


The business of the meeting shall include a Special Resolution, that the Constitution of Equestrian Queensland Inc is repealed and replaced with the Constitution annexed hereto and marked "A". 


The existing Equestrian Queensland constitution was last amended in 2010, and following consultation with sport committees at the annual forum in October, some minor changes have been proposed by the Equestrian Queensland board under three broad themes.

  1. Classes of membership- update to reflect the current structure
  2. Terminology updates to modernise
  3. To align objects with EA 

Special Resolution Notice

EQ Constitution 'A' with proposed tracked changes

The business of the meeting shall also include the audited financials for the year ended 31 December 2016 and the full 2016 Annual Report will be presented at the AGM

In the event that members are unable to attend the meeting a proxy form can be completed and returned to us by no later than 6pm Monday 13 March, 2017. 

Below is the summary of nominations that were received for each committee.  Election outcomes will be ratified at the AGM on Wednesday 15 March.  Persons elected shall hold office for a period of 3 years.

Sport Committee Nominations Received  

Monique Searle

Karla Farrell 

Number of nominations received are equal to the number of positions and all nominations are duly elected without requiring a members ballot.

Gary Lung

Kim Tenkate

 Number of nominations received are equal to the number of positions and all nominations are duly elected without requiring a members ballot.
 Eventing  Lisa Mortlock  Number of nominations received are equal to or less than the number of positions and all nominations are duly elected without requiring a members ballot.  EVQ have casual vacancies which the committee can fill. 

Christine Bradfield

Nikki Breeze

 Number of nominations received are equal to the number of positions and all nominations are duly elected without requiring a members ballot. 
Showhorse Nil received  SHQ have casual vacancies which the committee can fill.
Vaulting Nil received  VQ have casual vacancies which the committee can fill.
Carriage Driving

Karyn Dillman

Tracey Bavinton

Number of nominations received are equal to the number of positions and all nominations are duly elected without requiring a members ballot.  
EQ Board

Charles Gregory

Naomi O'Farrell

Number of nominations received are equal to the number of positions and all nominations are duly elected without requiring a members ballot.

 News Article dated 18 January 2017 

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