Apply for up to $10,000 for active adults
G4G™ grant rounds happen twice per year, with each round themed at increasing participation in grassroots sport.
G4G™ program grants up to $10,000 to community-based organisations and clubs, assisting them to fund activities and programs focused on increasing participation of local community members in sport. There are so many benefits of community-based sports participation such as social inclusion, healthier lifestyles and the development of teamwork and leadership skills, and G4G™ is all about ensuring our communities can maximise the benefits of sport.
OPEN NOW! November 2016 – Active Adults.
This is the latest theme and applies to G4G™ applications from Friday, 4 November 2016. This theme aims to increase sport participation at an adult level, as statistics show that sport registration numbers drop significantly once Australians turn 18. It also aims to encourage participation in social/community-level sports that focus on teamwork, social inclusion, and friendship. This can be for traditional organised sports or modified social sports that suit a busy adult lifestyle.
Previous grant rounds include:
- May 2016 – Equipment. Our last grant round saw a focus on increasing participation through the use of equipment. 23 successful recipients received funds and equipment from our Equipment Partner, Spartan. Grants ranged from the correct size balls for juniors to purchasing a trailer for equipment transportation.
- 2015 – Junior Participation. The 2015 grant round focussed on increasing participation in sport for youths aged 16 years and under. Over 800 applications were submitted for the grant round, with over $5 million in grants requested. We received $155,000 from generous donors, which allowed 24 clubs and organisations to receive grants, benefiting over 7,500 children from all over Australia.
- 2014 – Innovation. In 2014 we provided financial support to innovative grassroots projects focused on increasing youth participation in sport. We awarded grants to over 30 organisations throughout Australia. The projects funded saw 14,000 Australians in various communities benefit from the grants.
To find out more about the previous G4G™ grant recipients, click here.