Biosecurity News
The past quarter has been a landmark time for biosecurity in Queensland with the introduction of new laws under the Biosecurity Act 2014. This is the first time in 100 years that we’ve seen such a significant change in regulations, and provides a more modern and responsive system for the state.
A key driver of the Act is the General Biosecurity Obligation, which is about sharing responsibility–the practical acknowledgement that we all have a role to play in protecting our environment and lifestyle from risks. It’s a truly empowering position, giving us all the flexibility to put in measures that suit the situation and our circumstances.
We have also introduced the new Exhibited Animals Act 2015, which has simplified laws supporting businesses. The new Act replaced six licensing schemes and parts of four existing Acts with one scheme under one piece of legislation. It has also strengthened risk management to protect animal welfare and prevent animals becoming pests.
To ensure we continue to build on these legislation gains, we are improving Queensland’s biosecurity capability with the implementation of actions from the independent review released earlier this year. The first draft of the new Biosecurity Strategy and Action Plan for the next five years is underway (see the below story on this). I look forward to your feedback on the future vision when it is released.
Thank you to everyone who has joined us in what has been a transformative journey for biosecurity in Queensland. I look forward to continuing to work with you on real benefits for business and the community.
Jim Thompson
Chief Biosecurity Officer
Biosecurity Queensland
Biosecurity Strategy for Queensland