NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Queensland on 25/05/2021.

Changes to COVID-19 Requirements for Outdoor Sports

As of 16 April 2021 there has been further lifting of restrictions when conducting Outdoor Sporting Activities. Outdoor based sporting organisations are no longer considered restricted businesses under the Business Restrictions Direction (No. 18) and are NOT required to continue collecting contact tracing information. Indoor occupant density requirements no longer apply to shared change rooms for these organisations.

Indoor spaces associated with outdoor clubs, such as clubhouses with hospitality activities or canteens with indoor dining etc are still required to follow occupant density requirements relevant to that space, allowing for physical distancing to the extent possible and adhering to the public health controls.  These areas are also mandated to use the Check In Qld app to collect contact information for the purposes of contact tracing.

If your organisation is no longer required to follow an Industry Plan, we still encourage you to continue to promote COVID Safe messages, which include:

  • promoting physical distancing
  • promotion of good hand and respiratory hygiene
  • regular cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces and equipment.

The Queensland Return to Play website has been updated to reflect current information.

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