NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Queensland on 27/05/2014.

Codes of Conduct

Jumping QLD LogoCompetitors are reminded that penalties may be imposed upon members that fail to comply with the EA/ FEI codes of conduct. 

Codes of Conduct as per Attachment A of the EA Member Protection Policy.
The FEI Code of Conduct for Competitors.
In addition to the EA General Code of Behaviour, the following requirements must be met by 
competitors during any activity held or sanctioned by EA, or as a rider/participant in any 
activity held by or under the auspices of the organisation or one of its affiliates: 
• Abide by the principles of the FEI Code of Conduct for the Welfare of the Horse. 
• Respect the rights, dignity and worth of fellow riders, coaches, officials, volunteers and 
• Do not tolerate acts of aggression. 
• Respect the talent, potential and development of fellow riders and competitors. 
• Care for and respect the equipment provided to you as part of your program. 
• Be frank and honest with your coach concerning illness and injury and your ability to train 
fully within the program requirements. 
• At all times avoid intimate relationships with your coach. 
• Conduct yourself in a professional manner relating to language, temper and punctuality, 
be courteous, kind and always set a good example in dress and behaviour. 
• Maintain high personal behaviour standards at all times. 
• Abide by the rules and respect the decision of the official, making all appeals through the 
formal process and respecting the final decision. 
• Be honest in your attitude and preparation to training. Work equally hard for yourself and 
your team. 
• Cooperate with coaches and staff in development of programs to adequately prepare you 
for competition at the highest level. 
• Understand the repercussions if you breach, or are aware of any breaches of the EA 
Member Protection Policy

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