EQ Intensive Coaching Course Wrap Up
On April 2 and 3 Equestrian Queensland ran an Intensive Coaching clinic at Kelecyn Equestrian (Tamborine). These clinics are aimed at coaches who need assessments of their final practical components of their EA Coaching Certificates. This clinic was attended by seven coaching candidates, three Coach Educators and twenty-five demonstration riders. The intensive coaching clinics are well received with trainee coaches being assessed for 6 group coaching tasks, completed their theory exams and coaching observations tasks. All aspects of the coaching clinic are organised by EQ, removing the stress of trainee coaches having to organise groups of riders.
EA Introductory coach, Kate Dreverman attended the first of the Intensive coaching clinics in late 2018 as a trainee Introductory coach and has most recently attended the April 2019 clinic as a trainee Level 1 general coach. Kate fills us in her journey;
“I have found the Intensive coaching 2 day clinics, to be an excellent environment to demonstrate equestrian specific coaching skills, coaching principles and safe coaching through giving lessons, providing lesson plans and observing other coaches. The technical/ underpinning knowledge component can also be the examined, guiding candidates through both the Introductory and Level 1 certificates.
Kelecyn has been a fantastic, safe, relaxed atmosphere facility to hold both the clinics I have attended, with great surfaces and a centralised hub that riders, Instructors and Coach Educators (C.E’s) can convene. The students are volunteers and on a wide variety of mounts, provide the opportunity to demonstrate group control and progression within the lessons.
From the 6 topics you have selected to coach, the days are well structured into 3 lessons a day with addition coaching observation opportunities available throughout the day. On the first day, if you haven’t already sat your exam, you can have a crack at that too!
The experienced Coach Educators all provide feedback and advice when needed and staff from Equestrian Queensland are there to answer any questions. By the time I had completed the 2 day clinic in 2018, I had the majority of my Introductory certificate finished!
This year, I had a blast coaching group lessons including leg yielding, schooling through water cross country and grid work. I particularly enjoyed watching horses and riders’ skills and confidence evolve through the lessons. The little ‘light bulb moments’, smiling riders and having the opportunity to share my knowledge and experience with the combinations.
I would highly recommend the EA pathway as a foundation for anyone wanting to embark on a coaching career and the Intensive 2 day clinics to propel you on your journey to achieving competency!”