NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Queensland on 06/07/2020.

EQ's Member Update - Equestrian Australia Voluntary Administration

Tomorrow, Tuesday 7 July 2020 the Equestrian Australia Administrator’s will issue their report to creditors ahead of the Second Creditors Meeting scheduled for Tuesday 14 July 2020 at 10:00am. The Administrator’s report will outline their findings about the business and affairs of EA, and will provide options for EA to transition from administration. More information about the upcoming EA Administrator’s Report and the Second Creditors Meeting can be found on the KordaMentha website HERE.

We strongly encourage all members to be involved in the meeting on 14 July 2020 which will be conducted online. The online portal registration and access process has been simplified to ensure members have every opportunity to participate in the process. The meeting is very important as it will provide an opportunity for members to have their say about the future of EA and determine the next steps which will include the consideration of proposals from the EA Administrator’s to;

  • Facilitate changes to the EA constitution to allow for ‘one member, one vote’.
  • Appoint a new, independent transition board for EA.

 We advise that the meeting on 14 July 2020 will not determine any new operating structure for EA as this will occur through extensive consultation with all members and stakeholders in the coming months.

 Equestrian Queensland supports the process being facilitated by KordaMentha and we strongly encourage all members to be involved.

 We will provide further information in the coming days to support all members to be involved in the Second Creditors meeting and have their say about the future of EA.

 If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 07 3891 6611 or [email protected].

 Briston Toft

Chief Executive Officer, Equestrian Queensland



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