NEWS > General
Posted by Samantha Duffy on 17/02/2025.


Nominations for the Equestrian Queensland (EQ) Board and the Sport Committees closed on Thursday 6 February 2025.  Elections are only held for the EQ Board and/or Sport Committees where the number of eligible nominations exceeds the number of vacancies. In this election cycle nominations received for the Sport Committee of Dressage exceeded the vacancies available and will be subject to a ballot.

Nominations for the EQ Board and the Sport Committees of Jumping, Eventing, Interschool, Show Horse, Vaulting and Driving did not exceed the vacancies available and therefore no elections are required at this time.

Where there were insufficient nominations for the EQ Board and Sport Committees, appointments may be made to fill casual vacancies through consultation with the EQ Board and the relevant Sport Committees.

Elections Unopposed


The following members have been nominated to be a Director on the Board of Equestrian Queensland and will be elected unopposed at the AGM.

  1. Brett Cantle
  2. Naomi Lane


The following members have been nominated to be a representative of Eventing Queensland and will be elected unopposed at the AGM.

  1. Jo Morris
  2. Kadi Eykamp
  3. Katelyn Simpson


The following member has been nominated to be a representative of Jumping Queensland and will be elected unopposed at the AGM

  1. Aaron Williamson
  2. Christine Bradfield
  3. Wayne Crompton


The following members have been nominated to be a representative of Interschool Queensland and will be elected unopposed at the AGM. 

  1. Andrew Lowson
  2. Jacqui Downes
  3. Sarah Hoolihan


The following members have been nominated to be a representative of Show Horse Queensland and will be elected unopposed at the AGM. 

  1. Gail Iskra
  2. Rebecca Fedrick


The following member has been nominated to be a representative of Vaulting Queensland and will be elected unopposed at the AGM.

  1. Darryn Fedrick
  2. Ann Talyer Schofield
  3. Skye Dunn

EQ Sport Committee Elections

Current members who are entitled to vote for Dressage Queensland, as nominated at the time of their annual membership renewal are invited to vote for the elections through the "Digital Ballot Paper" (please refer to EQ Constitution 46.2(b)).

Please indicate your selection, listing numerically in order of preference, for all nominees.

If you do not list a preference for all candidates your ballot will be deemed invalid.

i.e.  1 for your first preference, 2 for your second preference, 3 for your third preference, 4 for your fourth preference and 5 for fifth preference.

Dressage Queensland Election

The following members have been nominated for election to be a representative of Dressage Queensland (listed alphabetically).  For each nominee's biography, click on the links below.

  1. Georgie Cham
  2. Karen Herald
  3. Nicolette Cavit
  4. Pamela Kingwill
  5. Rebecca Aitken

Voting for the Dressage Queensland election will close at 4:30pm on 11  March 2025.

Further details on the Voting Process are available below.


AGM Details & Register to Attend

The EQ AGM will be held:

Date:         Tuesday18 March 2025

Time:         6:30pm

Venue:      Sports House, Cnr Caxton and Castlemaine Street, Milton and via Zoom (link to be provided prior to AGM)

All members wishing to attend the AGM must register to attend either in person or via Zoom.

Register to Attend AGM

Further information including the EQ AGM Agenda can be found below;


Members who are unable to attend the AGM are permitted to appoint a proxy to vote on the Special Resolution by completing the form below:

The form must be received by 4:30pm 11 March, 2025 via [email protected] or by post Sports House, Suite 1.05, 150 Caxton Street, Milton QLD 4064.  


If you do not have access to the internet and would like to vote, please contact the office on (07) 3891 6611 or email [email protected] and this will be provided to you.


Voting Process via your MyEA Member Portal login

Voting will be conducted through a ‘Digital Ballot Paper’ through the MyEA Member Portal using your unique EA member number and password.

Please indicate your selection, listing numerically in order of preference, for all nominees.

If you do not list a preference for all candidates your ballot will be deemed invalid.

i.e.  1 for your first preference, 2 for your second preference, 3 for your third preference, 4 for your fourth preference and 5 for your fifth preference.

Voting and Closing Date

Members have until 4.30pm 11 March 2025 to submit their vote/s in preparation for the AGM.


Briston Toft

Chief Executive Officer

Equestrian Queensland

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