NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Queensland on 24/04/2020.

Equestrian Queensland Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update - Friday 24 April 2020

Equestrian Queensland (EQ) is committed to providing members with regular updates regarding the evolving Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.  We have created a dedicated COVID-19 page on our website that includes all recent updates, information and useful resources.

Our priority is the safety of members, the community and the welfare of horses during this difficult period.

Unfortunately, there has been some confusion in the community in regards to government restriction and the movement of horses. EQ has sought additional advice from the Queensland Government particularly as it relates to exercise and horse riding.

As per the Queensland Health Home Confinement, Movement and Gathering Direction a person may not leave their principal place of residence except for, and only to the extent reasonably necessary, to accomplish a permitted purpose which includes to engage in exercise.

Horse riding is a form of exercise and it is a permitted purpose for a person to leave their principle place of residence, providing they do so to the extent reasonably necessary to engage in the activity. The Queensland Health Home Confinement, Movement and Gathering Direction does not state what a reasonable distance would be to travel for the purpose of exercise. Members are advised that they need to consider the purpose of any journey in line with Queensland Health Direction. 

 As such EQ’s provides the below advice;

  • All EQ affiliated events are to be suspended until further notice,
  • If you can stay home, you should stay home,
  • You can travel if required to care for your horse/s, including food, water, exercise, veterinary, farrier, agistment,  spelling, transfer of ownerships  etc. whilst complying with all Commonwealth and State health directives,
  • That all activity should where possible occur on the property where the horse is located whilst complying with all government restrictions, social distancing and hygiene requirements,
  • In accordance with the Queensland Health Non-essential Business, Activity and Undertaking Closure Direction (No.6) and the Queensland Health Home Confinement, Movement and Gathering Direction members may travel (including the transport of horse/s) for the purpose of social sporting activity or training/lessons (including trail riding where permitted) with other people who they normally live with or with only one other person who they do not normally live with whilst complying with all government restrictions, social distancing and hygiene requirement
  • That travel should be limited to your local area where possible,
  • That coaches can travel and conduct lessons with a single student and in accordance with all government restrictions, social distancing, hygiene requirements and guidelines from Equestrian Australia and EQ,
  • That the use of private covered arenas are permitted for lessons and activities  in accordance with all government restrictions, social distancing, hygiene requirements and guidelines from Equestrian Australia and EQ (i.e. no more than two people who don’t normally live together at any one time) ,
  • That members who provide agistment  or other equestrian services from their place of residence and not through a registered business need to comply with the Queensland Health Home Confinement, Movement and Gathering Direction and ensure that no more than 2 people who do not normally live at the property are present at any one time whilst complying with all government restrictions, social distancing and hygiene requirements,
  • That members who provide agistment or other equestrian services through a registered business (from their place of residence or other property) must not organise or allow a gathering of more than two (2) persons in an undivided/shared space (feed room, wash bay etc) at any one time whilst complying with all government restrictions, social distancing and hygiene practices,
  • That veterinarians and other professional services such as farriers are permitted to attend properties as required whilst complying with all government restrictions, social distancing and hygiene requirements.
  • That horse owners can travel for the purposes of caring for their horse/s i.e. attend agistment facilities, travel to veterinarian, purchase stock feed etc.
  • That affiliated clubs with grounds available for use for individual lessons and social sporting activity, must not organise or allow a gathering of more than two (2) persons in an undivided/shared space (feed room, wash bay, arena etc) at any one time whilst complying with all government restrictions, social distancing and hygiene practices.

This advice is subject to change as and when new advice becomes available and we encourage members to regularly check the Queensland Heath website for updates.

EQ’s current focus is about supporting members while activity restrictions are in place. Our current initiatives include offering online activities including a 30-day challenge, virtual dressage series, webinars and information sessions, with more initiatives to come. We encourage members to visit our Facebook page or website for the latest news and information.

Along with competition pathways, members of EQ also have access to education, multiple pathways, 24/7 personal accident insurance, development programs, grants and the EQ Community Hub as part of their membership.

We thank you for your continued support during this challenging period and we encourage members to contact the EQ office if we can be of any assistance with advice or support.

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