
Equestrian Queensland (EQ) is continuing to monitor the current COVID-19 situation and the directions and advice from the Queensland Government.
We understand that some members and event organisers may be confused by the current COVID-19 advice and restrictions.
We confirm equestrian competitions and events are permitted as along as they are complying with the Queensland Outdoor Sport Industry Plan and the EQ COVID-SAFE Event Protocol Checklist.
The latest advice from Queensland Health restricts the size of gatherings in private homes and public spaces depending on the local government area. These limits do not apply to businesses/organisations operating under a COVID Safe Plan.
All EQ events are conducted in compliance with the Queensland Outdoor Sport Industry Plan and the EQ COVID-SAFE Event Protocol Checklist.
The current advice from Queensland Health is that ‘Queenslanders can travel anywhere in Queensland for any reason. There is no limit on distance. You can stay overnight anywhere in Queensland for as many nights as you like’.
The key messages for all participants remain, everyone must;
• Stay at home if you are sick or unwell,
• Check in/sign in on arrival and check out/sign out when leaving the venue,
• Practice good hygiene, wash hands regularly with soap and water, and use alcohol-based sanitiser,
• Physically distance and stay at least 1.5m from others.
EQ will continue to monitor the situation and provide advice.
Please don’t hesitate to contact EQ for assistance or guidance on 07 3891 6611 or email [email protected]
Briston Toft
Equestrian Queensland, CEO