Equestrian Queensland Next Generation Leadership Workshops
Held on Wednesday 7 June & Thursday 8 June 2023 at Sports House Milton, organised by Equestrian Queensland (EQ) and the EQ Next Gen Advisory Group.
Donna Little from waytobe was the special guest presenter over the two days of Next Gen Leadership Workshops.
The EQ Next Generation Workshops aimed to support EQ members between the ages of 17 - 25 interested in becoming the next generation of leaders.
The participants benefited from the following topics and worked on finding ways to lead and influence with what was important to them individually, within their sport, work and communities.
Topics covered;
- Understanding self / understanding others e.g. values, character strengths, mission and context
- Being a leader - What we can learn from others
- Foundations of leadership e.g. communication, influence and priorities
- Your actions matter e.g. collaboration, vision and plan
- Leadership tools - Facing challenges e.g. resilience, planning self care
- Confidence in leading and giving back
To match the needs of individuals and the group, the workshops were fluid and informed by the group dynamics. That said, there was also some overarching and overlapping themes that were focused on.
Thank you to all the participants for attending and to Donna Little for the brilliant two days of learning and self development.
Interested in attending future Next Gen workshops? Contact the EQ Next Gen at [email protected]