Improving the welfare of horses during land transport
The national Animal Welfare Task Group (AWTG) is seeking the views of horse owners, livestock transporters and other interested stakeholders on proposed changes to the national standards for horse land transport.
The consultation is being coordinated by the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries on behalf of the AWTG.
All feedback received during this consultation period will be considered before final policy recommendations are put to the Australian Government via the ATWG and the Agriculture Ministers’ Forum.
A consultation regulation impact statement (CRIS) is necessary under the Australian Government regulatory impact analysis requirements. It will facilitate consultation with stakeholders and state and territory government agencies on the economic benefits and impacts of proposed policy options to better protect horse welfare during land transport.
Have your say
Stakeholders are strongly encouraged to have their say by midnight Friday 28 October 2022.
Download and read the CRIS from the document library in the right side bar. Questions are provided throughout the CRIS to assist you in providing feedback on the proposed options. An optional submission template is available in the document library to help you prepare your written feedback.
Upload your written submission using the form on the weblink HERE, or mail it to: Manager, Animal Welfare Program, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, GPO Box 46, Brisbane QLD 4001.