NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Queensland on 21/11/2018.

Joint Statement Announcement

Equestrian Australia Board Changes

Board Elections
Equestrian Australia (EA) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Sydney today (21 November 2018) with a number of board positions declared open in the lead up to the meeting. Member states voted prior to the AGM to ensure the successful candidates were able to be present.

From a candidate pool of 16 nominations three (3) directors were elected:
• Gillian Canapini (Victoria)
• Peter Toft (Queensland)
• Alistair MacKinlay (Western Australia)

We wish these candidates the very best as they lead our great sport into the future.

Changes to EA Board Members
In the spirit of unity and with the best interests of the equestrian community and sport at the heart of all actions and decisions, the member branches of EA have been working collaboratively to ensure that the national governance of our sport is the very best it can be.

The state and territory associations are committed to providing excellence in member services and in the promotion of the sport. It is also our shared responsibility to hold our national body accountable to our membership.

The majority of the EA member branches today advised three members of the EA Board that they no longer have their confidence and requested their resignations.

These members, Chair Judy Fasher and directors Colin Chantler and David Lindh, declined the request to resign. The states have formalised a motion consistent with the EA Constitution and Corporations Act (2001) requesting that EA convene a Special General Meeting (SGM) to consider a motion to formally remove these directors.

As part of our commitment to keep you informed we are informing you, our membership, of this situation and vow to keep you abreast of the matter.


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