NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Queensland on 19/03/2014.

New Hendra virus case confirmed in Bundaberg area

Hendra Image

Queensland Government

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Biosecurity Queensland is managing a new Hendra virus case in the Bundaberg area after positive test results were received late last night.

Queensland's Chief Veterinary Officer Dr Rick Symons said a private veterinarian had euthanased one horse on the property on Monday after it become unwell over the weekend, with test results last night confirming the animal had Hendra virus.

"There is one other horse on the property. Tracing and risk assessments are being undertaken on any animals that may have had contact with the infected horse to work out if further testing needs to be done,” Dr Symons said.

"The property has been quarantined which means restrictions apply to moving horses and horse materials on and off the property. The quarantine will be in place for at least one month.”

Dr Symons said this case was the first Hendra virus incident in Queensland this year.

"The timing of this case highlights the need for horse owners to remain vigilant in taking steps to reduce the risk of infection as Hendra virus can occur year round,” he said.

"Vaccination is the single most effective way of reducing the risk of Hendra virus infection in horses. It is recommended that horse owners speak to their veterinarian about vaccinating their horses.

"If a horse becomes sick, owners should contact their veterinarian immediately. People in contact with horses need to remember to continue to practice good biosecurity and personal hygiene measures even if a horse is vaccinated against Hendra virus.

"Horse owners and vets are encouraged to download the latest information on Hendra virus from our website or by calling 13 25 23."

For information on the vaccine, visit

Follow Biosecurity Queensland on Facebook and Twitter (@BiosecurityQld).



Fiona Thompson BVSc

Industry Liaison Officer

Biosecurity Queensland
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Note new address and landline

Health & Food Sciences Precinct

39 Kessels Rd, Coopers Plains 4108

PO Box 156, Archerfield BC Qld 4108

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