Obesity & our Equine Friends
You're Invited
to the
UQ Equine Seminar for Horse Owners
This FREE seminar will be presented at the UQ St Lucia Campus
Sponsored by Equilibrium Australia
The UQ Vets Equine Specialist Hospital invites you to an educational seminar for horse owners, presented by Dr Joan Norton VMD DACVIM.
The topic for the evening's discussion will be:
Equine Nutrition: Obesity and Laminitis
Obesity is not just a human problem but a growing issue in our horses as well. Obese horses are at a greater risk of developing the painful and debilitating disease, laminitis. Dr. Joan Norton VMD DACVIM, Equine Medicine Specialist, will present the basics of equine nutrition for every horse, as well as feeding programs for special needs such as obesity and laminitis.
When: Tuesday 2 June 7:00pm light refreshment 7:30 start
Where: The Able Smith Lecture Theatre, Building #23, UQ St Lucia (map)
Equiries: Karen Mundt 5460 1803 [email protected]
RSVP: here by Friday 29 May