Vale Philippa Poulsen
Equestrian Queensland recently received the very sad news of the passing of Philippa Poulsen on Saturday 14 October 2023 at 93 years of age.
Many of you will remember Philippa - she originally lived in Toowoomba, and in later years moved to Belli Park, where she lived with her husband Bill, at their amazing fully landscaped property. Gardening was a great love of Philippa’s.
Philippa was an A level Dressage Judge and dedicated many years to equestrian sport. She and her good friend Clem Kelly were an inseparable pair who travelled all over the state together judging.
Now both these wonderful women have gone.
She will be sadly missed. RIP Philippa.
A lovely story of remembrance from Andrew Stevens -
I have early dressage memories involving Philippa ("with one L and two Ps please" as she used to say) - I pencilled for her often in the late seventies/early eighties, when I was a teenager
If we ran into each other somewhere, in later years after she wasn't riding or judging any more, she used to enjoy recounting a funny anecdote we were involved in.
Philippa was a judge on one of the very first Grand Prix Dressage tests ridden in Queensland, at the Brookfield Showgrounds, around 1979 or 1980 (?) (The EFA Dressage Committee (Mary) got the ABC TV along to the very first GP test at Brookfield and they ran a story on the 7.30 Report, but I think my story involves another comp at the same location a year or two later).
I was Philippa's penciller. The arena was on the other side of Brookfield Road from the main show ring, in what is known as "The "Cemetery Paddock". The one competitor was Judy Mackay riding Debonair - which had also been the only combination in the first GP test in Qld.
Judges had taken up their positions in their cars - Philippa in her big Mercedes. Mrs Mackay was still warming up. Philippa decided she needed a nervous pee, so off she hiked across the road to the loo.
Suddenly Judy Mackay appeared and circled the arena and the chief judge rang the bell. I could see Phil running back from the loo, but the rider had entered and saluted before she slid breathlessly into her seat.
Apparently nervous 15 year old Andrew said "sorry, I didn’t know what to do. But the halt was square if that's any help" !
Phil had to call out to the C judge to stop the test. C judge rang the bell, the test started again, Judy M with a face like thunder. Philippa felt she would never be forgiven.
Andrew Stevens