EQ Sport Development Funding Program 1 is now closed with $38,000 invested into activities
Program 1 of the Equestrian Queensland Sport Development funding programs has now closed with over 45 Clubs/events receiving a share of the $38,000 of funding this program alone provides.
In response to the large number of applications received for this program, which resulted in an oversubscription for funding, the EQ Board has subsequently granted extra funds towards round 2 of this program. This was done in acknowledgment of the high level of applications received and in recognition of the valuable contribution made by clubs and sport committees in further developing the sport.
Programs 2 and 3 of the Equestrian Queensland Sport Development Programs remain open, for more information about these programs click on the below button
EQ Sport Development Funding Programs
Equestrian Queensland continues with its advocacy role and acknowledges the contribution from the Queensland Government’s Sport and Recreation Industry Development Program towards supporting agreed outcomes through relevant programs within strategic priorities.