
Would you like to Volunteer in Equestrian?

Thank you for taking the time to consider becoming a volunteer within Equestrian sports. Volunteers are viewed as a valuable resource to this organisation, its staff and members. Without volunteers there would be no equestrian events!

If you would like to get more invoved as a volunteer in equestrian, register your details below.

EQ Volunteer Register

To get involved as a volunteer the best place to start is at your local club or event. You can contact your local club through the CLUB SEARCH or find an event near you on our CALENDAR. Extra sets of hands are always welcome and any training required is available at the event.

Volunteers are always heavily relied on in all sports, especially in equestrian, however, people do not realise some of the small ways that they can help out, even for an hour or two, that can have a big impact on the running of the event. Some people may also feel restricted as they do not have any or much knowledge of horses. However, as long as you are willing to help, we will be able to find a job for you!

Benefits of Volunteering

  • Learn and develop more skills
  • Keep active
  • A way of expressing gratitude and giving back to the sport
  • Meet new people
  • Make a difference within the equestrian community
  • FUN

There are hundreds of roles available throughout Equestrian sports. Some may only be on the day of the event, some can run for a number of days and others such as being a committee member can run for the whole year!

Queensland volunteers are recognised at the annual Equestrian Queensland Awards Night. The Volunteer of the Year award recognises an individual who contributes to the running of equestrian sport and events in Queensland voluntarily. To receive this award, the volunteer must have a regular commitment to their role, undertake their own development and share knowledge and insight through mentoring and educating other volunteers, demonstrate enthusiasm and commitment to their club and community, involvement at external events / competitions and they must be dedicated to the growth of equestrian sport.

Other Volunteer Opportunities

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