NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Queensland on 20/01/2016.

Get Started Vouchers

Round 7 of Get Started Vouchers opens on Wednesday 27 January 2016.

The program provides eligible children and young people aged 5 to 17 (inclusive) who can least afford to join a sport or recreation club with a voucher valued at up to $150 for membership and/or registration fees. It should be noted that vouchers are issued on a first come, first served basis; therefore there is no guarantee that a child or young/person will obtain a voucher. 

Over 3,800 clubs have registered for the program. Clubs can apply for registration for Get Started Vouchers at any time. Registration is valid for the entire program period so there is no need to register for each round. 

Fact sheets for clubs, parents/guardians/carers and referral agents can be viewed at The factsheets provide an overview of the eligibility criteria and application process. 

More information on Get Started Vouchers, including promotional materials that can be used by clubs to advertise their involvement in the program, is available at

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