The Remi Stud Young Rider Scholarship is an annual Scholarship and is awarded to a very deserving Young Rider who has the talent and dedication in either dressage or eventing, but needs financial assistance to purchase a horse of their dreams. Cheryl from Remi Stud has put together a great team of Supporters to help make this dream come true for one lucky young rider.
This Scholarship is an amazing opportunity for a young rider to have entry into the equestrian industry with support from a variety of Supporters. The Scholarship includes the ownership of a purpose bred Hanoverian weanling by either Lauries As or Fishermans Friend - two of the best performed Hanoverian stallions in Australia - plus the support package which includes feed from Prydes Easifeed, registration with Equestrian Queensland, marketing from Equestrian Australia, legal support from HorseForce, a saddle, bridle and saddlecloth from Edwards Saddleworld, 10 weeks training by Team Van Den Berge when the horse turns three years old, show product from Dr Show, riding attire from Belrock Equestrian, Veterinary care from Westvets, registration and merchandise from the Hanoverian Horse Society of Australia, and transport around Australia from Manuel Equine Transport for the weanling. A total package valued at over $30,000.
The inaugural winner in 2013 was ISABELLA WILKINSON-McINTYRE from Brisbane, and she received the stunning gelding, REMI LIVINGSTONE S by Lauries As. In 2014, the Scholarship winner was ALEXANDRA BARLOW from Yeppoon in Qld. Alex was given the beautiful filly REMI LIBERTY BELLE S by Lauries As from a Fishermans Friend mother. Both of these youngsters went under saddle a few months ago with Team VDB, and it was wonderful to see them both ridden at this year’s presentation. Doc will have a career in dressage with Bella, and Belle will have an eventing career with Alex.
In 2015 the Scholarship package was awarded to JORDYN FAINT from Londonderry in NSW. Jordyn is another talented eventing rider and received the delightful and ‘oh so cute’ gelding REMI FALL GUY S, who was donated as a tribute to the outstanding stallion Fishermans Friend who sadly passed away in 2015. Last year’s winner was another eventer, GEORGE GROVER, who lives in Tasmania, and he received the beautiful gelding, REMI LORD OF THE VALE S.
This year the Remi Stud Young Rider Scholarship was awarded to OLIVIA RUZSICSKA from Humpty Doo in the Northern Territory. Olivia received the stunning black colt REMI LAZZARINI S by Lauries As (imp)/ EM Remi Burlesque by Belissimo M. Lauries As (imp) needs no introduction, but Oscar, as he is known, is also from a very successful competition mare line, the family of Remi Lambuca. This family is the original mare line tracing back 4 generations of Remi Stud breeding. Oscar will no doubt suit Olivia’s dressage aspirations.
Photo Credit: Gone Riding Media