NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Queensland on 20/02/2019.

Agenda for EQ 2018 AGM


Agenda for the EQ 2018 Annual General Meeting

The business  of the meeting shall include a special resolution that the constitution be amended. 

Clause 46.3 (b) of the constitution states that:

“A person, when elected or appointed to a Sport Committee shall immediately resign from any other position they hold on an Equestrian Sport Committee or a Committee of Management of an affiliated organisation associated with Equestrian Queensland or any official position with another organisation which provides an actual or perceived conflict of interest. “

It is proposed that Clause 46.3 (b) be amended to state that:

A person, when elected or appointed to a Sport Committee shall immediately resign from any official position within another organisation, which provides an actual or perceived conflict of interest.

Membership of a Management Committee of an Affiliated Member shall not be considered a conflict of interest.”


The reason for the change is that Equestrian Queensland relies heavily on volunteers to provide their services to the member base by joining the various Sport Committees. Excluding a person from being a member of a Sport Committee by virtue of the fact that they may also be on the management committee of an equestrian club limits the pool of volunteers who can assist with the operational load required to deliver equestrian sport to our members.

The board considers clause 46.3 a) will provides the necessary mechanism to deal with conflicts that may arise.

46.3 a) A Sport Committee member shall not vote in respect of any contract or proposed contract with the Branch in which he is interested or any matter arising from that contract and if he does so vote his vote shall not be counted.

The business of the meeting shall also include the audited financials for the year ended 31 December 2018 and the full 2018 Annual Report will be presented at the AGM. 

In the event that members are unable to attend the meeting a proxy form can be completed and returned to us by no later than 6.00pm Monday 18 March, 2019. 

Below is the summary of nominations that were received for each committee.  Election outcomes will be ratified at the AGM on Wednesday 20 March.  Persons elected shall hold office for a period of 3 years.



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