Equestrian Queensland Statement regarding Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Equestrian Queensland’s (EQ) priority is the safety of members and our community. We have been closely monitoring the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and in consultation with Equestrian Australia (EA), Equestrian Queensland strongly recommends that organising committees should not hold equestrian events or club activities for the next four weeks.
As such, EQ has taken the following measures;
• Pryde's EasiFeed IQ South East Qld Regional Championships, 17-19 April 2020, has been postponed, an alternative date is yet to be confirmed,
• EQ Intensive Coach Assessment Clinic, 6-7 April 2020, has been postponed to October 2020 (TBC),
• EA Coach Update Workshop, 8 April 2020, has been postponed to October 2020 (TBC),
• EQ Youth Development Camp, 14-16 April 2020, has been postponed, an alternative date is yet to be confirmed,
• All other EQ Officials and Coaches seminars and workshops are cancelled until further notice. EQ has requested that EA provide amnesty to all officials and coaches regarding required activities to maintain their accreditation for the remainder of the year.
These decisions have been made in the best interest of member safety and community wellbeing.
The best way to prevent against the spread of infections such as COVID-19 is to practice good hygiene, including:
• regularly washing hands with soap and water;
• using a tissue and covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing;
• avoiding close contact with others if you are unwell;
Members are encouraged to act responsibly and to stay at home if you feel unwell and seek medical advice if you have symptoms such as a runny nose, fever, cough, sore throat, breathing difficulties or have been in contact with someone that has COVID-19.
The Board and Management of Equestrian Queensland will continue work with our clubs and affiliate bodies on measures to assist them during this challenging period and we will provide ongoing updates as new information becomes available.
David Finch
Chair, Equestrian Queensland