Equestrian Queensland Coronavirus (COVID-19) Agistment Update - 3 April 2020
As of midnight 2 April 2020, Queensland Health issued a new Home Confinement, Movement and Gathering Direction and revoked the Restriction in Private Residences Direction given on 27 March, 2020.
As such Equestrian Queensland provides the below revised advice as it relates to :-
- Members who provide agistment services from their place of residence need to comply with the Home Confinement, Movement and Gathering Direction, where the person in control of the residence, whether an owner, resident, tenant, occupier, or person in control of the residence may allow up to two (2) visitors who are not ordinarily members of the person’s household to be present at any one time whilst complying with all government restrictions, social distancing and hygiene practices.
- That clubs who provide agistment services from the property need to comply with the Home Confinement, Movement and Gathering Direction, where it relates to gathering in non-residences the person who owns, controls or operates the premises, must not organise or allow a gathering of more than two (2) persons in a shared space at any one time whilst complying with all government restrictions, social distancing and hygiene practices.
This advice is subject to change as and when new advice becomes available.
Please check the Queensland Health website for updates.
We take this opportunity to advise members that should you require any support or guidance, please contact us on 07 3891 6611 or email [email protected]