Para Equestrian Classification Evaluation
The competitor’s mobility, strength and coordination are assessed in order to establish their Classification Profile. People with similar functional ability Profiles are grouped into competition Grades. The Grades range from Grade I for the most severely impaired, to Grade V for the least impaired. The competition within each Grade can, therefore, be judged on the skill of the individual competitor on their horse, regardless of the competitor’s disability.
Once classified, riders are given a functional profile number and a Grade. When necessary riders can use compensating aids approved by FEI PE , such as a special saddle, adapted reins, elastic bands, two whips etc.
Equestrian Queensland is hosting a Para Equestrian Classification Evaluation Day at the McIntyre Centre, Pinjarra Hills on Saturday 5 September 2020.
Have you been issued with a provisional classification previously? or do you require the ridden component only? This day is also for you!
Registrations close 4:30pm, 10 August 2020