Expressions of Interest sought for EQ Coaching Advisory Group
Equestrian Queensland (EQ) is currently seeking Expressions of Interest from eligible members for the EQ Coaching Advisory Group (CAG) to support the strategic direction and the ongoing education of coaches through the EA accreditation pathway.
The primary function of the CAG is to act as a source of expert advice to the EQ Board about matters relating to coach education, improvement and safety. This includes:
- Development - Identifying relevant development needs for both State and Nationally run courses
- Quality Assurance - Providing suggested improvements for the National coaching accreditation framework
- Innovation - Providing advice about topics or new initiatives that will improve safety and standards and enhance the brand
- Any other coaching related matters as requested by the EQ Board.
Please click on the following for the EQ Terms of Reference and EQ CAG EOI form which is to be submitted by Monday 19 December, 2020 to [email protected]