Equestrian Queensland COVID-19 Update - Thursday 30 September 2021
Further to the announcement today by the Queensland Premier and Chief Health Officer, restrictions in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Logan, Moreton Bay, Townsville and Palm Island Local Government Area (LGAs) will return to stage two restrictions for at least two weeks from 4pm today.
Equestrian Queensland (EQ) provides advice to members and affiliates that events in these LGAs are permitted to continue, whilst following the advice and directions from Queensland Health. These directions include:
- Restriction on the number people at the venues to 1 person per 2m2 for outdoor events or 1 per 4m2 for indoors events or 75% allocated seated and ticketed capacity for indoor events and outdoor events.
- Attendees must wear a mask when unable to stay 1.5m apart from people who are not part of your household (excluding when competing, on the field of play or for a permitted reason).
Members and affiliates in the affected areas are advised, that if you are travelling outside the areas of Brisbane, Gold Coast, Logan, Moreton Bay, Townsville and/or Palm Island Local Government Area (LGAs) the above restrictions apply from 4pm today.
Please refer to Queensland Health for the latest COVID-19 updates and restrictions: https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/current-status
The full Queensland Roadmap to easing restrictions, with Stage 2 commencing at 4pm today, can be viewed here: https://www.covid19.qld.gov.au/government-actions/roadmap-to-easing-queenslands-restrictions
For any further information or clarification on the current restrictions, please contact the Queensland Government COVID-19 Hotline on 13 42 68.
We thank you for your continued support and we encourage members to contact the EQ office on 07 3891 6611 if we can be of any assistance.