Driving Queensland State Championships 8 October - Event Wrap
The Queensland State Equestrian Centre was the venue for the recent 2022 Driving Queensland State Championships on Saturday, 8th October, 2022 run by the Driving Queensland Committee. This was the first time the new Drive-1 and Drive-2 Dressage tests, Challenge tests and Cones Course were run anywhere in Australia. Driving Queensland would like to thank FEI judges Wendy Bruszewski and Jennifer Edwards for officiating the event.
Class 1: Drive-1 Dressage and Cones
1st - Tracie Borg, Calveston Legacy and Calveston Celtic Art 68.9% dressage score, 0 cones penalties, 0 time penalties, total 49.75 penalties
2nd - Corby Cunnington, Rahane Pizzazz 62.2% dressage score, 0 cones penalties, 0 cones time penalties, total 60.50 penalties
3rd - Lisel Dingley, Rahane Patches 57.8% dressage score, 0 cones penalties, 0 cones time penalties, total 67.62 penalties
4th - Lucy Doneathy, Kar-Trice Athia 62.2% dressage score, 3 cones penalties, 6.5 cones time penalties, total 70.00 penalties
Class 2: Drive-2 Dressage and Cones
1st - Tracie Borg, Glenormiston Sleivebeagh 71.9% dressage score, 3 cones penalties, 2.5 cones time penalties, total 50.41 penalties
2nd - Corby Cunnington, Koora-Lyn Blue Print 67.8% dressage score, 0 cones penalties, 0 cones time penalties, total 51.45 penalties
3rd - Patricia Nolan, Court Jester 65.5% dressage score, 0 cones penalties, 15.5 time penalties, total 70.78 penalties
Congratulations to all of the drivers and their beautiful horses!
Thank you to the photographer from MC Jukes for capturing the day. Click HERE to veiw photographs.
Picture by: Calico Pony