NEWS > Education
Posted by Equestrian Queensland on 09/03/2017.

2016/17 Officials Assistance Fund

Equestrian Australia is pleased to announce applications for the 2016/17 Officials Assistance Fund have opened.

The fund started in 2011/12 to ensure that Officials meet both accreditation and reaccreditation of an FEI qualification.

Currently accredited EA Level 3 Officials and FEI Officials are eligible to apply.  Applications must show details of costs incurred/to be incurred at International courses to become FEI accredited during 2016/17. First time FEI promotions are a priority, however the fund also gives consideration to FEI Officials requiring a refresher course or a transfer (promotion) course.

Officials are invited to submit their details via the Information and Application Pack 2016/2017 by the 31st March 2017 for a share in the $10,000 available.



This is the same document made available in 2 versions, Word or PDF.

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