Showjumping Results
Everyone who participates at showjumping events, plays a role in ensuring that the correct information is noted i.e. event organisers, officials and competitors, so that results, once received, can be easily and quickly uploaded.
Please make sure you have your current EA membership card with you at all competitions as well as the current jumping licences for all horses you are competing in 1.05m and above. Membership cards and competition licences are now emailed to you or the primary owner of the horse (unless hard copies are requested). This will be easier for you to keep on your smart phones and correct details can be given to the officials on the collection of prize money, or alternatively at time of nomination.
If you have not received a competition licences, please contact the EQ office for assistance.
Results are coming in thick and fast to the EQ Office and if you have not paid your membership, or the owner of the horse that you are riding has not paid their membership AND you are competing in above the line classes, then this could possibly lead to strict liability offences and fines being issued in accordance with the EA disciplinary bylaws.
Could we please ask that results come in with as much information as possible i.e. please record the height of the class, the article the class was run under and the break-down of any prize money awarded.
Please also attempt to ensure that either the EA number or full registered name of the horse and rider are recorded on the sheets. As outlined above, members now have this emailed directly to them. This will greatly decrease the turnaround time on results upload ensuring that points recorded for horses are accurate from show to show.
Please co-ordinate with your judges to ensure that a copy of the results sheets and the event program are sent to the EQ office as soon as possible after the event. There are Showjumping competitions most weekends and with many classes being restricted according to the points of the horse, it is important that these details are kept up to date for our members.
Should you have any queries, please do hesitate to contact the office on (07) 3891 6611 or send an email to [email protected].